Everyone knows the famous Moet & Chandon. When anyone thinks champagne, we think Moet. it is one of the largest and most prominent houses in France. The more luxurious bottle of Dom Perignon is also by Moet & Chandon.
Since it originated in Champagne, France, how do we in Asia know how to pronounce Moet & Chandon? Is it Moet, with the "t" pronounced? Or is it "Moe aye", with a silent "t". Some can never decide which is right and saying it both ways does not help.
Internet personality Julien Miquel with his YouTube channel mentions this inconsistency in pronunciation and argued the answer lies with the originator of the champagne itself. Julien Miquel is an experienced wine maker in France that has been making videos on wines, with extensive discussions on anything and everything about wines.
In French, the "t" can be silent, however, Moet & Chandon was established by Claude Moët, who is of Dutch origin, and in Dutch, Moet is pronounced with the "t".
So, if we follow the Dutch name of the original maker, then it would definitely be pronounced with the "t"!